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2024 ESG Practitioner Survey
2024 Global ESG Practitioner Survey

Explore what more than 2,000 finance, sustainability, and risk professionals said when surveyed about their perspectives on ESG and integrated reporting.

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2024 Executive Benchmark on Integrated Reporting
2024 Executive Benchmark on Integrated Reporting

Explore what more than 800 executives and 100 institutional investors surveyed said about integrated reporting of financial and non-financial data.


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About Workiva

Workiva’s mission is to power transparent reporting for a better world.

We believe that consumers, employees, shareholders, and other stakeholders today expect more from business – more action, transparency, and disclosure of financial and non-financial information. We build solutions to meet that demand and streamline processes, connect data and teams, and ensure consistency – all within a controlled, secure, audit-ready cloud platform.

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